Ko se ustavim začutim ranljivost in se povežem s svojo močjo


Danes delim misli dr. Arielle Schwartz, ker težko najdem lastne besede v tem trenutku. Velik del mene bi se najraje skril, pobegnil pred vsem, kar se dogaja, oh in ob teh dogodkih na površje priplavajo misli, koliko ljudi tudi na drugih koncih našega planeta trpi, zdaj, v tem trenutku, lahko bi me preplavilo in zopet bi padla v črno jamo, kjer oko ne vidi izhoda…


Vdih, izdih…vdih, izdih… preberem Arielle in z njo naredim nekaj joga vaj za povezavo telesa in glave (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMx2oZh7Kac) in začutim, da je vedno večji tudi tisti del mene, ki čuti notranjo moč, čutim svoje središče, svoje telo, kosti, mišice, medenico, čutim svoj dih, ki prinaša življenje in toplino in mehkobo, to moje telo lahko nosi tudi boleče občutke in ob tem zmorem usmerjati pogled proti soncu. Tako ključno se mi zdi v tem trenutku, da se vprašam, kot se sprašuje Arielle: “Where might I be creating harm? How can I help create a kinder world?” In kako bom v vsem tem poskrbela zase? Hvaležna za to prakso, hvaležna za podporo, ki mi jo nudi ta svet!

Arielle Schwartz piše:

“Light and Darkness

Thinking of Ukraine and the people who are in fear and who are fleeing their homes and land. It has been subzero temps this week. Keeping in mind the state of the world as I walk, I reflect upon the privilege I have to walk in silent reflection around the frozen lake. I send prayers, I hold my frightened heart with tenderness. As a peacekeeper, watching the world go to war is disturbing. How are you handling these events?

For me, I find solace in my yoga and meditation practices which help me find my own inner peace, a safe harbor in the stormy seas of life. From this ground, I can move through the world with a more conscious reflection upon the impact of my actions on others. Where might I be creating harm? How can I help create a kinder world?

Sometimes it the contrast of challenge that illuminates our strength; the difficulty that highlights our beautiful fragility—a part of self that needs the most protection of all.

Today is one of those days…Globally, personally.

A deep dive into my own wounded heart and a chance to greet a painful time held by a young part of myself. All the while, I held just enough perspective—like this falcon I saw on my walk today—just enough perspective to not get stuck in the pain. And, with just enough courage, I entered into the deep pain. Emotions poured out from such a deep place…even I am amazed at how my body can carry these feelings from what otherwise seems like a long forgotten past.

Perhaps our fractured world too is the mirror…the lost, vacant eyes seen in the faces of people in fear. My heart breaks for Ukraine…and through the cracks my own memories of fear emerge to the surface.

The deep dives have their place…they inform me and my compassion. They keep me humble.
Today, I wept, a soulful lament…
Yet, what returns as I emerge from the depths and out of the fog is an understanding of trust. A most essential appreciation of trust.”